x   IT-IT   af-ZA Afrikaans (South Africa)   ar-AE Arabic (U.A.E.)   ar-BH Arabic (Bahrain)   ar-DZ Arabic (Algeria)   ar-EG Arabic (Egypt)   ar-IQ Arabic (Iraq)   ar-JO Arabic (Jordan)   ar-KW Arabic (Kuwait)   ar-LB Arabic (Lebanon)   ar-LY Arabic (Libya)   ar-MA Arabic (Morocco)   ar-OM Arabic (Oman)   ar-QA Arabic (Qatar)   ar-SA Arabic (Saudi Arabia)   ar-SY Arabic (Syria)   ar-TN Arabic (Tunisia)   ar-YE Arabic (Yemen)   az-AZ Azeri (Latin) (Azerbaijan)   az-AZ Azeri (Cyrillic) (Azerbaijan)   be-BY Belarusian (Belarus)   bg-BG Bulgarian (Bulgaria)   bs-BA Bosnian (Bosnia and Herzegovina)   ca-ES Catalan (Spain)   cs-CZ Czech (Czech Republic)   cy-GB Welsh (United Kingdom)   da-DK Danish (Denmark)   de-AT German (Austria)   de-CH German (Switzerland)   de-DE German (Germany)   de-LI German (Liechtenstein)   de-LU German (Luxembourg)   dv-MV Divehi (Maldives)   el-GR Greek (Greece)   en-AU English (Australia)   en-BZ English (Belize)   en-CA English (Canada)   en-CB English (Caribbean)   en-GB English (United Kingdom)   en-IE English (Ireland)   en-JM English (Jamaica)   en-NZ English (New Zealand)   en-PH English (Republic of the Philippines)   en-TT English (Trinidad and Tobago)   en-US English (United States)   en-ZA English (South Africa)   en-ZW English (Zimbabwe)   es-AR Spanish (Argentina)   es-BO Spanish (Bolivia)   es-CL Spanish (Chile)   es-CO Spanish (Colombia)   es-CR Spanish (Costa Rica)   es-DO Spanish (Dominican Republic)   es-EC Spanish (Ecuador)   es-ES Spanish (Castilian)   es-ES Spanish (Spain)   es-GT Spanish (Guatemala)   es-HN Spanish (Honduras)   es-MX Spanish (Mexico)   es-NI Spanish (Nicaragua)   es-PA Spanish (Panama)   es-PE Spanish (Peru)   es-PR Spanish (Puerto Rico)   es-PY Spanish (Paraguay)   es-SV Spanish (El Salvador)   es-VE Spanish (Venezuela)   et-EE Estonian (Estonia)   eu-ES Basque (Spain)   fa-IR Farsi (Iran)   fi-FI Finnish (Finland)   fo-FO Faroese (Faroe Islands)   fr-BE French (Belgium)   fr-CA French (Canada)   fr-CH French (Switzerland)   fr-FR French (France)   fr-LU French (Luxembourg)   fr-MC French (Principality of Monaco)   gl-ES Galician (Spain)   gu-IN Gujarati (India)   he-IL Hebrew (Israel)   hi-IN Hindi (India)   hr-BA Croatian (Bosnia and Herzegovina)   hr-HR Croatian (Croatia)   hu-HU Hungarian (Hungary)   hy-AM Armenian (Armenia)   id-ID Indonesian (Indonesia)   is-IS Icelandic (Iceland)   it-CH Italian (Switzerland)   it-IT Italian (Italy)   ja-JP Japanese (Japan)   ka-GE Georgian (Georgia)   kk-KZ Kazakh (Kazakhstan)   kn-IN Kannada (India)   ko-KR Korean (Korea)   kok-IN Konkani (India)   ky-KG Kyrgyz (Kyrgyzstan)   lt-LT Lithuanian (Lithuania)   lv-LV Latvian (Latvia)   mi-NZ Maori (New Zealand)   mk-MK FYRO Macedonian (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia)   mn-MN Mongolian (Mongolia)   mr-IN Marathi (India)   ms-BN Malay (Brunei Darussalam)   ms-MY Malay (Malaysia)   mt-MT Maltese (Malta)   nb Norwegian (Bokm?l)   nb-NO Norwegian (Bokm?l) (Norway)   nl-BE Dutch (Belgium)   nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands)   nn-NO Norwegian (Nynorsk) (Norway)   ns Northern Sotho   ns-ZA Northern Sotho (South Africa)   pa-IN Punjabi (India)   pl-PL Polish (Poland)   ps-AR Pashto (Afghanistan)   pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil)   pt-PT Portuguese (Portugal)   qu-BO Quechua (Bolivia)   qu-EC Quechua (Ecuador)   qu-PE Quechua (Peru)   ro-RO Romanian (Romania)   ru-RU Russian (Russia)   sa-IN Sanskrit (India)   se-FI Sami (Northern) (Finland)   se-FI Sami (Skolt) (Finland)   se-FI Sami (Inari) (Finland)   se-NO Sami (Northern) (Norway)   se-NO Sami (Lule) (Norway)   se-NO Sami (Southern) (Norway)   se-SE Sami (Northern) (Sweden)   se-SE Sami (Lule) (Sweden)   se-SE Sami (Southern) (Sweden)   sk-SK Slovak (Slovakia)   sl-SI Slovenian (Slovenia)   sq-AL Albanian (Albania)   sr-BA Serbian (Latin) (Bosnia and Herzegovina)   sr-BA Serbian (Cyrillic) (Bosnia and Herzegovina)   sr-SP Serbian (Latin) (Serbia and Montenegro)   sr-SP Serbian (Cyrillic) (Serbia and Montenegro)   sv-FI Swedish (Finland)   sv-SE Swedish (Sweden)   sw-KE Swahili (Kenya)   syr-SY Syriac (Syria)   ta-IN Tamil (India)   te-IN Telugu (India)   th-TH Thai (Thailand)   tl-PH Tagalog (Philippines)   tn-ZA Tswana (South Africa)   tr-TR Turkish (Turkey)   tt-RU Tatar (Russia)   uk-UA Ukrainian (Ukraine)   ur-PK Urdu (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)   uz-UZ Uzbek (Latin) (Uzbekistan)   uz-UZ Uzbek (Cyrillic) (Uzbekistan)   vi-VN Vietnamese (Viet Nam)   xh-ZA Xhosa (South Africa)   zh-CN Chinese (S)   zh-HK Chinese (Hong Kong)   zh-MO Chinese (Macau)   zh-SG Chinese (Singapore)   zh-TW Chinese (T)   zu-ZA Zulu (South Africa)   es-UY Spanish (Uruguay)  
Elenco telefonico risultati di indirizzo Via indirizzo Sempione cap 00013 provincia RM 11 - 20 de 54 in (0.006 Secondi)
Potesta Raffaele
Telefono 0690997760
Via Sempione, 4
Comune Fonte Nuova
Provincia (RM)
CAP 00013
Prestia Filippo
Telefono 0690997868
Via Sempione, 14
Comune Fonte Nuova
Provincia (RM)
CAP 00013
Ranalli Filomena
Telefono 0690997060
Via Monte Sempione, 44
Comune Mentana
Provincia (RM)
CAP 00013
Pezzino Maria Paola
Telefono 0690997280
Via Sempione, 4
Comune Fonte Nuova
Provincia (RM)
CAP 00013
Petri Pietro
Telefono 0690997176
Via Sempione, 23
Comune Fonte Nuova
Provincia (RM)
CAP 00013
Federici Giuseppe
Telefono 0690997725
Via Sempione, 4
Comune Fonte Nuova
Provincia (RM)
CAP 00013
Fazzini Angelo
Telefono 0690997372
Via Monte Sempione, 45
Comune Fonte Nuova
Provincia (RM)
CAP 00013
Cara Fabrizio
Telefono 0690018060
Via Sempione, 14
Comune Fonte Nuova
Provincia (RM)
CAP 00013
Caramico Vincenzo
Telefono 0690997884
Via Monte Sempione, 10
Comune Fonte Nuova
Provincia (RM)
CAP 00013
Martina Aldo
Telefono 0690997864
Via Sempione, 8
Comune Fonte Nuova
Provincia (RM)
CAP 00013
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