x   IT-IT   af-ZA Afrikaans (South Africa)   ar-AE Arabic (U.A.E.)   ar-BH Arabic (Bahrain)   ar-DZ Arabic (Algeria)   ar-EG Arabic (Egypt)   ar-IQ Arabic (Iraq)   ar-JO Arabic (Jordan)   ar-KW Arabic (Kuwait)   ar-LB Arabic (Lebanon)   ar-LY Arabic (Libya)   ar-MA Arabic (Morocco)   ar-OM Arabic (Oman)   ar-QA Arabic (Qatar)   ar-SA Arabic (Saudi Arabia)   ar-SY Arabic (Syria)   ar-TN Arabic (Tunisia)   ar-YE Arabic (Yemen)   az-AZ Azeri (Latin) (Azerbaijan)   az-AZ Azeri (Cyrillic) (Azerbaijan)   be-BY Belarusian (Belarus)   bg-BG Bulgarian (Bulgaria)   bs-BA Bosnian (Bosnia and Herzegovina)   ca-ES Catalan (Spain)   cs-CZ Czech (Czech Republic)   cy-GB Welsh (United Kingdom)   da-DK Danish (Denmark)   de-AT German (Austria)   de-CH German (Switzerland)   de-DE German (Germany)   de-LI German (Liechtenstein)   de-LU German (Luxembourg)   dv-MV Divehi (Maldives)   el-GR Greek (Greece)   en-AU English (Australia)   en-BZ English (Belize)   en-CA English (Canada)   en-CB English (Caribbean)   en-GB English (United Kingdom)   en-IE English (Ireland)   en-JM English (Jamaica)   en-NZ English (New Zealand)   en-PH English (Republic of the Philippines)   en-TT English (Trinidad and Tobago)   en-US English (United States)   en-ZA English (South Africa)   en-ZW English (Zimbabwe)   es-AR Spanish (Argentina)   es-BO Spanish (Bolivia)   es-CL Spanish (Chile)   es-CO Spanish (Colombia)   es-CR Spanish (Costa Rica)   es-DO Spanish (Dominican Republic)   es-EC Spanish (Ecuador)   es-ES Spanish (Castilian)   es-ES Spanish (Spain)   es-GT Spanish (Guatemala)   es-HN Spanish (Honduras)   es-MX Spanish (Mexico)   es-NI Spanish (Nicaragua)   es-PA Spanish (Panama)   es-PE Spanish (Peru)   es-PR Spanish (Puerto Rico)   es-PY Spanish (Paraguay)   es-SV Spanish (El Salvador)   es-VE Spanish (Venezuela)   et-EE Estonian (Estonia)   eu-ES Basque (Spain)   fa-IR Farsi (Iran)   fi-FI Finnish (Finland)   fo-FO Faroese (Faroe Islands)   fr-BE French (Belgium)   fr-CA French (Canada)   fr-CH French (Switzerland)   fr-FR French (France)   fr-LU French (Luxembourg)   fr-MC French (Principality of Monaco)   gl-ES Galician (Spain)   gu-IN Gujarati (India)   he-IL Hebrew (Israel)   hi-IN Hindi (India)   hr-BA Croatian (Bosnia and Herzegovina)   hr-HR Croatian (Croatia)   hu-HU Hungarian (Hungary)   hy-AM Armenian (Armenia)   id-ID Indonesian (Indonesia)   is-IS Icelandic (Iceland)   it-CH Italian (Switzerland)   it-IT Italian (Italy)   ja-JP Japanese (Japan)   ka-GE Georgian (Georgia)   kk-KZ Kazakh (Kazakhstan)   kn-IN Kannada (India)   ko-KR Korean (Korea)   kok-IN Konkani (India)   ky-KG Kyrgyz (Kyrgyzstan)   lt-LT Lithuanian (Lithuania)   lv-LV Latvian (Latvia)   mi-NZ Maori (New Zealand)   mk-MK FYRO Macedonian (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia)   mn-MN Mongolian (Mongolia)   mr-IN Marathi (India)   ms-BN Malay (Brunei Darussalam)   ms-MY Malay (Malaysia)   mt-MT Maltese (Malta)   nb Norwegian (Bokm?l)   nb-NO Norwegian (Bokm?l) (Norway)   nl-BE Dutch (Belgium)   nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands)   nn-NO Norwegian (Nynorsk) (Norway)   ns Northern Sotho   ns-ZA Northern Sotho (South Africa)   pa-IN Punjabi (India)   pl-PL Polish (Poland)   ps-AR Pashto (Afghanistan)   pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil)   pt-PT Portuguese (Portugal)   qu-BO Quechua (Bolivia)   qu-EC Quechua (Ecuador)   qu-PE Quechua (Peru)   ro-RO Romanian (Romania)   ru-RU Russian (Russia)   sa-IN Sanskrit (India)   se-FI Sami (Northern) (Finland)   se-FI Sami (Skolt) (Finland)   se-FI Sami (Inari) (Finland)   se-NO Sami (Northern) (Norway)   se-NO Sami (Lule) (Norway)   se-NO Sami (Southern) (Norway)   se-SE Sami (Northern) (Sweden)   se-SE Sami (Lule) (Sweden)   se-SE Sami (Southern) (Sweden)   sk-SK Slovak (Slovakia)   sl-SI Slovenian (Slovenia)   sq-AL Albanian (Albania)   sr-BA Serbian (Latin) (Bosnia and Herzegovina)   sr-BA Serbian (Cyrillic) (Bosnia and Herzegovina)   sr-SP Serbian (Latin) (Serbia and Montenegro)   sr-SP Serbian (Cyrillic) (Serbia and Montenegro)   sv-FI Swedish (Finland)   sv-SE Swedish (Sweden)   sw-KE Swahili (Kenya)   syr-SY Syriac (Syria)   ta-IN Tamil (India)   te-IN Telugu (India)   th-TH Thai (Thailand)   tl-PH Tagalog (Philippines)   tn-ZA Tswana (South Africa)   tr-TR Turkish (Turkey)   tt-RU Tatar (Russia)   uk-UA Ukrainian (Ukraine)   ur-PK Urdu (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)   uz-UZ Uzbek (Latin) (Uzbekistan)   uz-UZ Uzbek (Cyrillic) (Uzbekistan)   vi-VN Vietnamese (Viet Nam)   xh-ZA Xhosa (South Africa)   zh-CN Chinese (S)   zh-HK Chinese (Hong Kong)   zh-MO Chinese (Macau)   zh-SG Chinese (Singapore)   zh-TW Chinese (T)   zu-ZA Zulu (South Africa)   es-UY Spanish (Uruguay)  
Elenco telefonico risultati di indirizzo Via indirizzo Umberto indirizzo I cap 73059 provincia LE 1 - 10 de 20 in (0.002 Secondi)
Tafuro Salvatore Metaltafuro Infissi In Alluminio
Telefono 0833958376
Via Umberto I
Comune Ugento
Provincia (LE)
CAP 73059
Grezio Tronci Antonia
Telefono 0833958121
Via Umberto I
Comune Gemini
Provincia (LE)
CAP 73059
Marigliano Fernando
Telefono 0833958148
Via Umberto I, 23
Comune Gemini
Provincia (LE)
CAP 73059
Nuzzo Giuseppa
Telefono 0833958103
Via Umberto I, 34
Comune Gemini
Provincia (LE)
CAP 73059
De Giorgi Eugenio
Telefono 0833958274
Via Umberto I, 19
Comune Gemini
Provincia (LE)
CAP 73059
De Giorgi Paolo
Telefono 0833958242
Via Umberto I, 2
Comune Gemini
Provincia (LE)
CAP 73059
Giannuzzi Gino
Telefono 0833958130
Via Umberto I, 42
Comune Gemini
Provincia (LE)
CAP 73059
Ghezzi Avv. Alberto
Telefono 0833555065
Via Umberto I, 6
Comune Ugento
Provincia (LE)
CAP 73059
Riccardo Romina
Telefono 0833958391
Via Umberto I, 41
Comune Gemini
Provincia (LE)
CAP 73059
Rizzello Francesco
Telefono 0833958288
Via Umberto I, 78
Comune Gemini
Provincia (LE)
CAP 73059
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